Farrah Wethers: Cardiac Arrest (Book 1)
Want to Know More About Farrah’s First Mystery in Cardiac Arrest?
Farrah Wethers lost her office job and embarked on a career as a new massage therapist in suburban New Jersey where she lives with her husband Jackson. Farrah and her best friend June Cho navigate the murder mystery of a well-respected and wealthy client of Riverside Wellness Spa. Because the philandering Mr. Koczak died in the closed room at the spa while Farrah was working on him, she becomes the prime suspect. Farrah is befriended by the widow who invites Farrah and June to the lavish memorial festivities honoring her husband which gives them opportunities to find a slate of suspects and clues.
This is the first of the Farrah Wethers Mysteries. Since it’s impossible to find “medium boiled” in any of the automated categories of book retail, I think this is far more cozy appropriate than hard boiled or noir labels. Why? Because Farrah isn’t a private detective or cop and it’s set in a charming small town. Most of the cast is female with a Stepford Wives/Village of the Damned kind of tribute. What’s scarier than rich, white, beautiful blonde women, amiright?
I also prefer “medium boiled” because my characters love to swear and drink, like me. Usually cozies exclude any cursing, but that’s rather unrealistic. Sure, I have friends that are prim and clean with their vernacular, but the fact that I exist among the crowd means someone somewhere is saying, “FUCK THIS” several times a day. Farrah and her best friend June Cho aren’t quite as filthy as I am with my trucker-with-road-rage flair, but expect slightly colorful language.
You should be able to order CARDIAC ARREST almost anywhere in paperback with the ISBN. The only places that won’t be able to get it are libraries and academic institutions, but by all means, you can donate a copy to them. Buy at BookFunnel for only $.99!
CARDIAC ARREST has been enrolled in the Kindle Lending program — if you buy it on Kindle, you can loan your file to someone else’s Kindle; and the Kindle Match Program — if you buy the paperback through Amazon, you’ll have the option of getting the ebook for only $.99 extra. But seriously, if you catch me on the right day and drop me an email that you bought the paperback and gave it away or lost it or a chimpanzee stole it and you’d like the digital version, I’ll give it to you. I’d rather email you the file than have it pirated.
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